The Protectors® Podcast

513 | REWIND | Aaron Williamson | USMC Veteran & Elite Trainer | Original Air Date 7/12/2022

Dr. Jason Piccolo Episode 513

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In this powerful rewind episode (original air date July 17, 2022), we sat down with Aaron Williamson, the elite fitness coach whose journey from Marine Corps veteran to Hollywood's go-to trainer has inspired thousands. Aaron's remarkable ability to transform lives through his innovative training approaches has earned him a client roster including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Josh Brolin, and Jamie Foxx.

The episode kicks off with Aaron sharing his deeply personal story of transformation. "Enlisting in the Marine Corps out of high school saved my life," he reflects. "I was a broken kid with no direction. It taught me strength, courage, and mental fortitude." This military foundation would later become the bedrock of his training philosophy and the acclaimed Intense 90 program.

Aaron helped me personally with a detailed training and meal plan that helped me shed almost 50 pounds!! 

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Speaker 1:

now, what is a protagonist? To me, a protagonist is the hero of the story in this podcast is about you becoming the protagonist, you becoming the hero of your story, of your life, whether that's physical fitness, whether that's education, whether it's just improvement all around, but it's become the protagonist. And my very first guest is my good friend Aaron Williamson. What's going on, brother?

Speaker 2:

What is up, man? Thanks for having me on, this is nice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, it is. You know, veteran Marine. You know you have if. For the listeners out there, aaron is a very intense looking individual. Let me say that you weren't always that intense. You weren't always like this fitness guy with these like you know, how tall are you? Six foot what? Uh, six, three, yeah, six, three, 200 or something. Pounds of pounds of muscle. You know, rolling around in the gym what is like little shorts on a shit. It's crazy, man. I look at your, the videos that you're posting, and I'm like man, you know. I'm glad I know you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I, I can't, I can't survive without it. Man, this is literally my sanity, and it's becoming even more so now with the way the country is yeah, mental fitness.

Speaker 1:

I think it's as solid or it's not more than physical fitness. But like you said, man, when you get your physical fitness going, your mental fitness, it goes with it. As your body builds, your brain builds, I swear, it feeds off of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%. I mean, there's such a therapy to it. Also, A lot of us big guys, meatheads, bodybuilders, whatever you want to call us fitness fanatics when you see us in the gym, we look the way we do. We kind of get a bad rap sometimes because we're arrogant or conceited or full of ourselves and truthfully, I would say nine out of every 10 of us are pretty broken and we found the gym as a place to heal. So I think that's what a lot of people don't understand about fitness from just so many different perspectives is, no matter what you do, no matter what your career is, fitness can change your life it has and before you went into the Marines now you're a veteran Marine.

Speaker 1:

You're never a former Marine, you're a veteran Marine. You're still a Marine. You're always a Marine. Right, but before you went to Marine, were you like a skinny dude? Or you got a Marines and all of a sudden the fitness bug hit you, or what was your physicality like before you got there?

Speaker 2:

I was a green bean growing up as a kid. In high school I tried to dabble in sports a little bit where I kind of worked out. I don't know if you remember back in the day the Twin Lab supplements. Oh yeah, remember Rip Fuel? Yeah, yes, I used to take rip fuel, thinking that was like the end, all be all, and I was a skinny kid already had no idea what I was doing, but it gave me energy, uh, but I joined the Marine Corps and got bit by the bug man. You know, I graduated bootcamp 160 pounds at six, three and, uh, had some pretty pretty awesome duties. But no matter where I was doing, no matter what I was doing, everyone knew me for fitness. So this has kind of, you know, become a very huge part of my life it's like you automatically well, I would probably go with.

Speaker 1:

Like a lot of us want to go out there and help other people. They're like, hey, if I could do this, anybody could do this. And you, being like you know a smaller guy and me, growing up, I was a chubby kid, but then I got into fitness in high school and then I started playing sports and everything, and then the same thing with the military. But you always want to help other people out, you want to get them to that next level, so you get out of the Marines and do you get into the industry, or you just happen to be continuing working and you're starting other jobs and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I came back to the States. I left Iraq in 2009, came to New Orleans to do some contract work for Marine Forces North. Didn't really happen like I had a plan, so fell flat on my face and lost everything I had. I was living out of my car and in my mind, it was just a better answer for me to go back doing what I was, and family and friends said, no, don't do it. So I stayed in New Orleans and got certified as a personal trainer because everyone knew I love fitness, which personal training was never something I wanted to do. I just kind of did it out of desperation and then, as destiny would have it, that was my calling, so kind of launched me right in the middle of the film industry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's kind of an incredible story, too, about like New Orleans and New Orleans you-Katrina, because I was down there pre-Katrina and it wasn't a huge Hollywood mecca, but post-Katrina it started bringing a lot of industry. And you just happen to be there and then you happen to be at the right place at the right time, you run into the right people and it's almost like fate. And who was that first celebrity that you you came in contact with?

Speaker 2:

uh, it was zach efron, oh yeah. Yeah, he was doing a movie called the lucky one, which is about a marine iraq veteran and uh, so we, we hit it off. That was my first project that was. That was really when I found out just how big the industry was there. Because you'll find, hollywood will always follow the tax credits. So wherever the tax credit is the best is where Hollywood is going to be.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, man. That's why, like Georgia is huge right now, Wilmington, North Carolina is huge A lot of places outside of quote unquote Hollywood itself. It's like Hollywood, East, West, North, South, it's anywhere they can get it, and in Canada, of course. And a lot of people don't understand this fitness journey that you go on. It's hard to do it by yourself. We're going to talk about my testimony here in a little while and how I got into this. But when you have these actors and of course everybody's seen a picture of JK Simmons and how you got involved with that and getting him into there but in that fitness world not many of these stars and not many of these people acting can get themselves in that shape without some sort of outside influence very complex as an actor getting ready for a, for a movie or a TV show, because the schedule like a lot of time.

Speaker 2:

The schedule is not going to give you the time that you would normally need, so you really have to find the best person who can get you where you need to be the quickest, cause you might go from one movie where you're looking like a soup sandwich to the next movie where you've got to look like an action hero. You know so there's, you've got to literally roll out of one, flip the switch, change the mindset, hit the gym, do what you need to do. You might have a couple months to get ready for the next one and you know so these, these guys are grounding and pounding lately.

Speaker 1:

So it takes a good, it takes a good, well-rounded team, specifically a trainer and nutritionist, because, as you know, food is a huge part of it too. Yeah, when you look at like chris pratt, who goes from this like chubby comedic actor and also now he's like the next, he's not even the next big thing. He is the big thing when it comes to the action roles. Your body is your career and you got to hire the right people to get that body going. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hollywood's got some. They've got some great trainers. I won't lie it's. It's been a learning experience to working under such such pressure, cause I mean, you get, you might get put in a situation where you've got to train an actor who might have a little bit of an injury and production is like, hey, he cannot get hurt, or she cannot get hurt Because if that happens we have to shut the production down. So it's like, okay, that's a big responsibility that someone just put on your shoulders.

Speaker 1:

You know, and speaking of Hollywood, you've actually had some pretty cool roles. You know background roles. It's pretty neat, man, to see you on screen.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, they're real roles. You know what I mean. I signed on with representation in both the South and in LA because my I didn't realize at the time it was happening, but I was starting to shift into a new chapter of acting and stunts and the acting was a very therapeutic thing in terms of just. I always talk about dealing with emotions that you typically just keep repressed forever and to be able to use those and do something with them. There's a real therapy that came to it that I enjoyed and things kind of flourished. I moved to LA in 2015, signed on with some bigger reps and was part of some big projects. So it was a very surreal thing because I never did it for the celebrity aspect of it. It was really just for the mental clarity, but also helping to build a platform to be able to launch some of the things that I want to do.

Speaker 1:

Without that platform, it is tough to get going out. Without that brand, without building your background, your resume, it is tough to get into different circles and everything like that. You brought up a very excellent point about backgrounds. The show has become the protagonist and so many protagonists myself included, yourself the show has become the protagonist and so many protagonists myself included, yourself and probably 99% of the people that are becoming the protagonist of their life have had some sort of backstory. That's not, you know, it's not all flowers and roses and clear. There's been a lot of mental anguish in there, whether that's a loss of someone, whether that's a loss of you know, growing up in the broken environment or just being something happened to them that kind of pushed them and it's in the back of your mind where you have to overcome that. And that is one of the big things that you're doing with your venture, aaron Williams, and fitness is getting people to that next level. And as for you and I, you know you've been on my other show, the protectors podcast. We talked about your background, we talked about you know exactly what we just talked about your, your fitness, your celebrity, your, your Marine time. But now we're on to a different phase. We're onto the phase where you're helping people get to that next level and you've helped me a lot.

Speaker 1:

I'm down what 20, 30 pounds now working out. All the time I've I have not gone this long working out and being this motivated, and I don't think my whole life outside of basic training damn near 30 years ago it hasn't been like this. And I'm I just looked at a future before. I was looking a week ahead of time. I was looking at the next day. I'll start Monday, I'll do this, I'll do that. But the catalyst was me having a health, a major health crisis, and I was like you know what I got to do something. I saw that you were helping so many different people out and I reached out to you let's jump into the intense 90 and what that is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and thank you for what you said there. You know it's what I'm doing right now shifting from an egocentric career to more of a purpose driven career. And you know, shifting from Hollywood to doing more of what I'm I feel like I'm meant to do is is very meaningful. And just seeing you and talking to you and hearing how things have changed and how much I mean you just look different. You know what I mean. You look healthier.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's, it's I don't know so intense 90 is. It's a program that I've just kind of created, combining all the years of of my experience and knowledge together and I'm just constantly fine tuning it to continue to make it better. But there's uh me, like you said, I'm intense. Everything I do is intense. I want to work with people who have a purpose behind what they're doing. I don't want to just train someone to look good for a, for a TV show, Cause it's just surface layer stuff where if I'm, if I'm, if I'm working with someone, I want to work with someone who there's a purpose behind. You know what they're doing.

Speaker 2:

So it's really brought me into this new world of uh, uh, of, of, of helping people heal. You know whether they're they've just got chronic inflammation, they're sick, they have high blood pressure, hormones are off, or they've got Hashimoto's, crohn's, uh, rhabdomyolysis, like all these different things. You know, you, there's such a big learning curve and and food is just such a huge part of it, and and we're, as a society, we're just being poisoned by, by the foods that are told. You know we're, we're being told to eat these foods that are supposed to be good and they're just really not good. And you know, you go on this journey of eating what you think is right and you get sick and then you got to get on medicine and that medicine causes you and it's just a downward spiral.

Speaker 2:

Get on a solid plan my program, for example, where I lay everything out for you and I explain things in a way that you can understand how what you put in your body affects you and then also working on the mindset, the switch, the lifestyle change that's going to allow you to stay healthy long-term. And essentially I call my program a blueprint for life, because at the end of the 90 days, you pretty much have everything you need. To continue to go for as long as you want. You can recycle the program, but chances are, because I'm so involved with my clients. At the end of the 90 days you're going to have a whole different approach in the way you think about what you're putting in your body and how you're moving.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm looking at about six weeks into it now and you talk about that blueprint. I have the printout. It's on my counter. I look at it almost every month. What weight am I taking? Oh, yeah, yeah, probiotics and digestive enzymes. I swear my, you know. Let's be real, my consistency, everything has changed in my body. My bloating big time. There is so much.

Speaker 1:

So, everybody out there I had some issues with my blood pressure, passed out, hospital, all sorts of other things going on, and he lost 84 pounds and I was like, if Luis can do this and he's doing this, I reached out to Aaron, I jumped on a program and as soon as I started it, I was like you know what? This is a blueprint, this is a plan that I need. I'd love to do this on my own. I would love to go oh, you know what? I'm just going to do this. I'm going to count my calories and count this and everything. But it's almost like I'm looking at, you know, for the military people out there, like a five-paragraph op order. Okay, this is why I'm eating this. This is why I'm eating this. This is when I need to eat it. I can plan my meals around this. I know what vitamins to take, I know what workouts I should do and the workouts are intense. The lifting is intense, but you're going to find when you start it that your body is going to change and you're going to want to do more. I'm supposed to do 30, 45 minutes of cardio. I end up doing an hour plus, but I'm doing it where it's like. I'm not a big runner. I bought one of those chest bands so I could check my heart rate out. I get out there, I rock, I walk. I get out there, I rock, I walk, I push myself harder and you find your body changing and that goes right into your mental fitness.

Speaker 1:

Sleep pattern has gone off the charts compared to what it used to be. I don't need eight hours sleep. If I'm lucky, six, seven, eight hours is perfect. I get up in the morning, I'm ready to go. I feel like you know.

Speaker 1:

Group fitness again. I'm doing these orange theory classes. I'm like I haven't done group fitness since, like law enforcement Academy or the military, and I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying getting my body pushed and hence starting a podcast called become the protagonist, because unless you take a step, you're always going to wonder huh? And I don't want to be one of these guys who, like I, can't walk at 60 years old because I'm just a big couch potato and there's. I know some people can't walk but that's why, like you know, you got me onto this program where I'm thinking I don't think of fuel, I don't think of food as a crutch, like it used to be. I came from an Italian family. Food was like hey, if you want to be happy, you got to eat. But now I think of food as fuel, and if you can't move, you just change your fuel and then you're going to see your body change and then you can move. So yeah, brother, I'm all about this intense 90.

Speaker 2:

Yeah brother, I'm all about this intense 90. Yeah, it's so true, and that's I think, one of the biggest parts of my program is really focusing on the health and longevity of it, getting rid of the chronic inflammation and trying to like. Your blood pressure, you told me has improved dramatically compared to what it was, and so it's like Coming into a lot of fitness programs with trainers online, online coaches. It's kind of a surface layer thing, meaning you don't get much value to what you're paying for. You get sent to an app, you get told to do something here. You get told to do something here, but where's your accountability at? Where's your interaction with the trainer, like your coach? What's the process? What are you going to take away from it at the end of the 30, 60, 90 days? Whatever it is you're doing, are you learning something from it? Are you just following the motions? Because that's the difference between mine and most others is I'm directly involved and I'm not about just trying to get you ready for a show. I'm about trying to change your life forever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the life changing.

Speaker 1:

That's the word. I, let's say, I lost 30 pounds already. My goal is to eventually lose 50 or 60, but I'm not in a rush. I'm not in a rush at all. And a lot of these other programs out there. They're saying within this timeframe, you need to lose this weight or you're not a good person. That's how I feel about some of these other programs, because that's kind of what you feel like. You're like, well, if I just did this program, ah, man, I didn't lose the 80 pounds. It's got to be a lifestyle change.

Speaker 1:

I plan my week around my workouts. It's so weird how I plan my week. I plan my diet Like I'm going to the beach this weekend. I'm going to the beach this weekend. I'm like, okay, I'm going to bring my ruck, I'm going to ruck on a beach. That looks fun to me. Before I'd be like, hey, I'm going to go to the beach, I'm going to have some drinks, I'm going to chill, I'm going to lay in the sand, I'm going to get some sun. Now it feel like drinking. I don't feel like drinking to escape any pain or anything else. I just feel like if I'm eating and working out, I'm building my mental stamina up and it's crazy. I cannot thank you enough for getting me on this program, brother yeah, I love hearing your feedback all the time.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I I appreciate you sticking with it and being as committed as you are. What did you do? What was your ruck? The other day, I think I saw you hit all the way over to the.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it was a Friday night and I was like, for Father's Day I want to do something different. I'm 13 miles 13 more or less from DC, from the Lincoln Memorial memorial, and I have a really awesome trail. It can get me most of the way down there. Then I just have to jump on another trail and I'm thinking about okay, what is for father's day? Instead of getting up and going to eat like you know, breakfast or something with the family, why don't I show my kids what can be done? Why don't I say, okay, you know what? Sometimes I'll be like, hey, why don't you walk to the store? Why don't I say, okay, you know what? Sometimes I'd be like, hey, why don't you walk to the store, why don't you do this? Because growing up, that's what we used to do. We used to walk everywhere.

Speaker 1:

So I got up, I put my 50-pound rock on and I just started walking. I didn't eat breakfast that morning, I just wanted to just cleanse my mind, my body, and I walked all the way to the Lincoln Memorial and it wasn't fast and like I I always say this in my, my uh videos, my little clips I'm like, look, it wasn't perfect and it wasn't pretty. But it was moving and I got there and I, you know, I was almost. I just got across the bridge and it was like a detour and I'm like the lincoln memorial is right there, but it'd be pain. And I thought to myself maybe I'll just right there, but it'd be a pain in the ass to get there. And for one second I thought to myself eh, maybe I'll just do it right here. But in my mind on Friday night I visualized walking up those steps and I was like I am going to go there and walk up those steps.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I did, yeah that's amazing and I always tell everyone when they're getting started on this program. You know there are different levels to this health and fitness game. I'm here to guide you and help you get to whatever level you want to get to. It's just ultimately up to you on how far you want to take it. You know, like if I would have told you hey, jason, back in April, I want you to do a 13 mile, you know 50 pound ruck, uh, to the lincoln memorial, I mean yeah, there's no way, you know, I could have saw maybe four miles, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And now I'm like I, you know, I use my little 35 pound speed rock and I'm like this is awesome. I go for like an hour walk and I'm like it's nothing. It's like it's so crazy how your body can change in such a short time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just goes back to just how remarkable it is and back to the importance of what you're putting in, because a lot of these food companies these days are have these clever combinations of, you know, sugar and sodium and fats that will literally create an addiction. My good friend, stan Efferding, when someone's trying to gain weight, when they're working with them, he'll tell them to eat one Dorito after a meal. Eat one Dorito, it'll make you ravenously hungry. That's just an example of how clever these food companies are. They're just getting you addicted to these foods that are completely horrible for you. So when you get rid of all that chronic inflammation, you start putting in those those good foods, everything changes.

Speaker 1:

I mean your skin changes, everything changes your mindset believe me, eating like veggies now is like alien to me. It's like I'm like, wow, I'm actually in broccoli and and this and that greens, my, my wife's looking at me like what the hell's going on, I mean, and that's the other thing too is like my. My kids are like. I remember before I started this, my son was like my son's 14. He plays football. That kid works out. He's like a beast. He's already an inch and a half taller than I am. He's fit, he's ripped. And he was looking at me and I'm like I know he just wants me to be healthy and I know he's not looking down at me. But he's like hey, uh you, you said you were going, did you do cardio today? I was like, eh, you know, I went to the gym and my gym workouts before like, oh good, you know, lift heavy four or five reps. And now it's like he sees me losing all this and it motivates them. And same thing with my daughter huge into soccer and everything else. I am going to be 50 and 190 days and I'm like this is my goal. I was like, well, I'm 50. I want to be fitter than I've ever been before. I think I'm kind of, and while I get that way, I'm going to be losing all the all the exits on my body and I already noticed, like you know, the different changes in my muscle tone compared to when I used to lift heavier before.

Speaker 1:

It's just a different type of program and I think you have a unique program because you have that military background. It's because you've been around the military community, whether it's been active duty or contracting you know what planning is like, you know what days are like, you know what long days are like, you know how to plan around contingencies, and I think that's what kind of sets it apart. It's not just, it's not. Whenever I used to think of a personal trainer, I'd be like, eh, but yeah, you're right, it's like an actual. When I look at your program, it's an actual program. It's not just some superficial app or anything. And hey, you know what Apps are great. I use an app for tracking my walking with my heart rate tracking my walking with my heart rate. But you know, you really do need like interaction with someone who knows what the hell's going on with you, not a generic.

Speaker 2:

You, yeah, because everyone, everyone's gonna have questions along the way. Can I, can I have, can I have this? It's been six weeks. Can I add this in? What about this? You know, and it's like maybe they can, maybe they can't, but at least they have someone who can explain why yes or why no. And you know, you mentioned too about just your son and the fitness thing.

Speaker 2:

If you've ever paid attention to someone who is out of shape or unhealthy or whatever the case may be, especially in an office environment, it's contagious. Whatever the case may be, especially in an office environment, it's contagious. So if someone all of a sudden starts to show self-improvement signs of getting healthier, it makes everyone around start to question themselves and what they're doing with their health, and then you slowly see kind of a shift. So it's like one of those things where, if we all started to just try and focus on being healthier, you know it's a, it's something that's like a domino effect. You know what I mean. It can really. It can really take root in a lot of other ways, but um, yeah, absolutely it is.

Speaker 1:

It's like a ripple. And you know, my catalyst was health. Yeah, but I had the catalyst before with my son looking at me and I was like I almost felt shamed. But when I had a health crisis, I was like you know what? I want to see my kids grow older. I want my heart to be healthy. That's like the biggest thing I want. I want a healthy heart, I want my blood pressure to drop, and you're going to find that everything else changes too. I'm much more motivated now. I want to help other people and that's the other reason I wanted to start this podcast and that's the reason I wanted to have you on as a first guest was like there are people like you out there and you are out there to help not just celebrities anymore, but to help people like me and people like you know Luis and everybody else in there. So I mean you have Aaron Williams and fitness and it's pretty cool, man, it's really damn cool.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's, it feels, it feels. Really it's surreal sometimes to kind of have your name in front of the, in front of something as an actual business, because I know what it took to create that and there's been a huge amount of sacrifice and tragedy behind it, which makes everything I do in my programming and my work with my clients mean that much more, because of all that sacrifice and just understanding what it's like to be an everyday person who's not in Hollywood. You know, I came from nothing and I think because of that I don't care about all this materialistic stuff. You know, I'm so simple Give me a gym, give me a grocery store, let me drive my truck, like, leave me alone with politics and all this nonsense going on. I don't know, man, life, life just gets too complicated and we, we, we make it complicated.

Speaker 1:

So you know that's a damn truth, man it is. We make it much more complicated and easy to be good, diet, work out a little bit, put a time with your family. That's all you really need, man. I mean, you don't need, and you know just as well as I do being around celebrities and everybody else, everybody's a damn human. It doesn't matter if someone's got more money or whatever, and we all just kind of want to be happy and live our lives.

Speaker 2:

Leave me alone yeah, when you, when you take I I didn't realize it at the time, a lot of people don't realize it, but I feel like it's partly because it's just the way of the future and a result of social media and a result of the way things are going now. But we're we're such, uh, we're all so ego driven and for me this year especially, just kind of stepping back from the nonsense of politics and Hollywood and all the stuff that's going on to really root myself back into purpose and put my ego on the table and allow it to not just be about me anymore, about my clients and about my family and about my friends. Just be about me anymore, about my clients and about my family and about my friends. It's like everything that I wanted to happen in my life is finally happening now and I was just on the wrong path. I knew where I needed to be. It just took a hard decision to get here.

Speaker 1:

I tell you, man, people call it the grind, people call it the hustle, and everything. It takes time. It doesn't happen overnight. I've been down a million paths, you've been down a million paths. It works out at the end. You just have to keep consistent. That's the same way with this. When you start your journey to become the protagonist of your life, keep on path, keep on track. Your track is going to change. It's going to go all over the place, but keep moving forward with it and keep trying new things.

Speaker 2:

Try what works for you yeah, that's, that's the journey, right there, I mean, you might you never know how you're going to get to point b when you leave point a, but you'll eventually get there. And on the way, what I found is all these new doors open, all these new opportunities, all these new people you meet allows you to be creative, think more about stuff maybe you weren't thinking about before. And then, by the time you get to to be where you wanted more about stuff, maybe you weren't thinking about before. And then, by the time you get to be where you wanted to get to, you're just so much better prepared and more knowledgeable about everything because you've embraced the journey.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, brother. Well, you're definitely the protagonist of your life. You're not done with it yet. Everybody. Make sure you check out Aaron Williams and fitness. He's on IG. You can watch him. Check out intense 90, check out the hashtags Aaron Williams and fitness and intense 90. And you're going to find some really good stuff out there. A lot of good advice and a lot of good ways. And, brother, I see you coming on the show. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I appreciate it, man. This is a good one. Thank you for having me on. Who said it? There we go.

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